The Importance of Board Meeting Minutes

The importance of keeping minutes of board meetings is often not considered. Minutes are important as they record the decisions and actions taken at a meeting, or as a legal record. They also aid in enforcing the accountability of directors and managers.

Therefore, it is essential that the process of making minutes is clearly defined. There are many methods to create minutes however, the most efficient method is to use a program that permits quick and efficient recording during the board session. This type of technology can reduce the time required to record minutes and aid in ensuring that all necessary information is captured.

The aim of board minutes is to provide an objective and factual report of the meeting, free from giving opinions or expressing bias. However, this can be challenging when emotions are running high or the board is divided. This is why it’s essential that the person taking the minutes is able to separate their own feelings and observations from the opinions of the board members when they take notes.

Bowie suggests that board secretaries adhere to the same format for recording their meeting minutes. This will make it easier to streamline the recording of minutes so that the board can have more time to discuss issues and respond to questions. She recommends that any changes to the minutes are clearly recorded to ensure that board members be sure that they are updated and reflect current, accurate information.